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Fast interviews & under-thinking

I first heard that term on The Office and use it every day

:60 read | 1:15 video | Chime in on LinkedIn here and Twitter here

Not taking time to reflect leads to under-thinking your decisions.

And that’s the problem with the current state of short & fast interview processes.

To clear: I’m not a fan of the old world. My home office is awesome. Has everything I need. Full autonomy of temperature control. Peace & quiet. A :15 second commute. Décor in my favorite shade of blue.

But we’re lying if we’re saying we didn’t lose some things. Not just in work-life, but evaluating talent. And the talent evaluating us.

Picking up on the vibe of the team when you toured the office. The nonverbal cues. And how conversations would naturally extend when they went well.

That’s the Zoom life. We take the good with the bad. And I’m still all on board.

But the rate at which things happen in this market causes a real problem. (In my humble but definitely 100% correct opinion).

👉You think differently about a conversation 5 minutes after than 3 days after. Or a week after.

And the quicker the process, the less people you tend to meet.

I’m not suggesting we slow things down. But simply realize that asking a job seeker to make a decision before they’re ready can lead to a bad one.

Yes, your org may be the wrong decision for some people.

The goal is not hiring. It’s hiring and retaining.

👉Because the last thing you want to do in this market is do it all over again.

You can follow me on LinkedIn here and Twitter here. Join the discussion on this LinkedIn post (or give it a 👍) here.

Talent Rants and Sarcasm
James Hornick