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Happy Employees Are Your Best Recruiters

If you let them.

1:00 read | 1:45 video | Chime in on LinkedIn here and Twitter here

I hate to break it to you but job seekers don’t generally trust recruiters.

They don’t trust corporate marketing either.

And they definitely don’t trust the “Best Place To Work” list that you bought your way onto.

👉But they do trust your team. 

Let’s make the (big) assumption that you’ve already created a kick ass place to work. And you’re now a Destination Firm™️.

Any other effort - employer brand, recruitment marketing or whatever the hell else the kids call it nowadays -  is a waste of time compared to employee-led brand ambassador programs.

If you don’t believe me, spend 5 minutes Googling. There’s a million data points on this:

👉76% of people are more likely to trust content shared by individuals vs companies

👉800% - the amount of higher engagement on employee social posts vs company posts

👉84% of people value recommendations from friends & family above all other advertising

Your choice:

Blue pill: Carefully curated, high polished, senior management approved messaging that no one cares about 

Red pill: Let your employees talk. And create a little how-to social media and IRL training to encourage and show them how.

You can follow me on LinkedIn here and Twitter here. Join the discussion on this LinkedIn post (or give it a 👍) here.

Talent Rants and Sarcasm
James Hornick