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Let's not shut off our brains in 2025

Friendly reminder that tech doesn't actually do your job for you.

:60 read | Chime in on LinkedIn here and Twitter here

My worry over the too-much-too-fast proliferation of RecruitTech: both internal teams and agencies will choose bots over brains.

The candidate experience will suffer (more than it already has). And therefore so will the results (getting the right people hired into the right seats, as fast as possible.)

And we have a guide for this. Sales tech is always a decade ahead of recruitment tech. Roll back the clock 20 years and salespeople had to be more creative and more (actually) personalized to get a response.

Then it became all about spam.

And now it’s about Deepfake Personalization™️ spam. Get an AI tool that scrapes someone’s social profile to add some unimportant nugget to make it look like you did you research.

The problem is: everyone knows you’re taking a short cut. Buyers aren’t that dumb. And neither are candidates.

Part of the reason for this is when given a new tool, people turn their brains off. They start to think about how to best use the tool and bend their process around what that tool can do. Which may or may not get them closer to the ultimate goal: connecting with people on a human level to assess talent effectively.

I do 1-2 demo calls of RecruitTech a week nowadays. So much is flooding the market. It all looks great on the surface and makes you think if there’s a better way of doing this.

But much of it is single purpose, narrowly applicable, and can easily become yet another widget that gets thrown on the tech stack then rarely used. Even the stuff that’s “built by recruiters" so we know it’s good.

(Literally everyone is using that line and if I demoed your product recently, don’t take offense.)

I’m not saying more tech is bad or that the things hitting the market right now are garbage. Some of it looks quite good.

I am saying that success in recruiting is based on effective process design (with your brain) and assisted with bots. Not the other way around.

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