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Pivoting into tech isn't as hard as it used to be

If you're fed up with your field, Google "low code"

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Took a few days off from writing because, you know, I felt like it. If you know anyone who might dig my nonsense, forward this along and suggest they hit the subscribe button:

The challenge behind building tech flipped from a decade ago. And that’s a great thing for anyone looking for a new, in-demand career.

Except the people who could benefit probably don’t even realize it happened.

What went down exactly?

👉Low-Code Development Platforms

As a non-coder I won’t bog this down with the technical details (I literally can’t). So here’s the layman’s tldr:

We now have software that creates software. We just need smart people who know their domain to tell it what to create.

That’s an oversimplification. But 10+ years ago, learning how to code was a hell of a lot harder. You had to do the whole damn thing by hand. More training, more time, more effort.

Now? Much of the boring (and complicated) stuff is automated.

That didn’t replace the need for software engineers. Or classically trained, highly skilled ones. Market forces skyrocketed demand to new heights.

But it did create a new avenue for new tech professionals to launch a career faster than before.

What’s the new challenge? We want technology that speaks to us. Solves actual problems. Works intuitively. With a minimal learning curve.

Think about that application you use everyday for work that sucks. We’re all over having to learn and work around complicated and bloated tech.

What’s it take to get there? People who actually know the domain. Lived through the end user challenges first hand.

Recruiters creating recruiter tech. Salespeople creating sales tech. Teacher creating teaching tech.

And that’s all possible now. So if you’re over your field but want to put what you’ve learned to good use…

Full episode of the Talent Insights podcast “Career Pivoting Into Tech” with special guest Chris Taylor here:

You can follow me on LinkedIn here and Twitter here. Join the discussion on this LinkedIn post (or give it a 👍) here.

Talent Rants and Sarcasm
James Hornick